Call to Action- contact Gov Lamont in CT re repeal of religious exemption

from John Gilmore at Autism Action Network 4/30/21

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont signs repeal of religious exemption from vaccine mandates

     Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont signed a bill on Wednesday that repealed the religious exemption from vaccine mandates. The day before the Connecticut Senate passed the bill 22 to 14 overwhelmingly along party lines, only two Democrats joined all 12 Republican Senators to vote against the bill. The Connecticut House also voted mostly along party lines with 86 Democrats and four Republicans voting to repeal, and seven Democrats voted with 46 Republicans to retain the exemption. 

    We are taking the unusual step of asking people from across the US to call and contact Governor Lamont and just say, "Shame on you." Lamont (like most governors) is thought to have presidential ambitions, and the impact of his stand on this bill will be felt far beyond Connecticut.

Please click here Take Action  to send an email to Lamont.

Call him at: (860) 566-4840 Tweet him at: @GovNedLamont

Please leave comments on his Facebook page at:

     Connecticut grandfathered all K-12 and college students who currently have exemptions. Pre-school exemptions, however, will be rescinded. Home schoolers will not be directly affected by the bill, but they will not be able to transfer to school in the future with a grandfathered exemption. Approximately 8,000 students, about 2.5% of all students in Connecticut, have religious exemptions. Pre-school children will have to be fully vaccinated by September, 2022.

     Just like in the other states, Maine, New York, and California, that have voted in recent years to repeal religious exemptions, Democrats have overwhelming majorities in both Connecticut legislative houses and the Governor is a Democrat  as well.  Unlike the other states, though, the Connecticut Democrats did not even have the pretext of a measles outbreak to use as a cover for providing the vaccine industry with a long-sought policy goal.

     Two themes we have seen in the other states that have repealed religious exemptions became abundantly clear in Connecticut.  First, a large portion of Democrats expressed overt hostility to religious belief and people of faith. Many Democrats seem to believe that the "first freedom" in the Bill of Rights, freedom of religion, only applies when religious belief does not conflict with their short-term political interests.

    And Democrats claim to be the party of "science," but in the debates in both houses and in Lamont's comments we saw that they have no understanding of basic concepts of vaccine policy like "herd" or "community  immunity." The prevailing belief is that unless vaccination rates are 100% for all vaccines for all students then herd immunity will not be achieved, even though Connecticut schools have one of the highest vaccine uptake rates of any state at 95%.

     A popular excuse given for repealing the exemption was the need to provide protection for immune compromised students, even though neither school staff, teachers or anyone else in society, at this point, are required to have shots, much less proof of immunity.

     Please share this message with friends and family, and please share on social networks while we still can.


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