Canadian Member of Parliament speaks out along with doctors and scientists

38 minute video from June 17, 2021-

Independent MP Derek Sloan holds a news conference on Parliament Hill to raise concerns about the alleged censorship of doctors and scientists as well as medical information related to vaccines. The Ontario MP has been critical of lockdowns that have been in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and also sponsored a petition questioning the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

He is joined by Byram Bridle (associate professor of viral immunology, University of Guelph), Dr. Patrick Phillips (family and emergency medicine physician in Ontario), and Don Welsh (professor of physiology and pharmacology, Western University).

from the press conference:

PM Derek Sloan stated:

“I’ve consistently stood up for Canadians, where no other federal party would.”

He issued a call for whistleblowers within the medical and scientific community in Ontario to contact him. Shocking stories were told, and all agreed that their stories were not being told in either Parliament or the national media. So he did this press conference on Parliament Hill.

Dr. Bryan Bridle then spoke, explaining how he has been slandered, harassed, and attacked with fake social media accounts put up in his name. His own colleagues have attacked him, and given out confidential medical information about his own parents. His career has been destroyed for speaking out. He says:

“I don’t recognize the country I was born into.”

Dr. Patrick Phillips was next and stated that due to the lockdowns:

“I’ve never seen so many suicidal children.”

He also related how on April 30th the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario came out with a very “chilling statement,”  basically stating that only approved COVID measures could be discussed with patients, no proven effective early treatments like Ivermectin could be discussed, that Vitamin D is “fake” news, and they were not allowed to say anything negative about the COVID-19 shots.

Threatening to take his license to practice medicine away for promoting early treatments like Ivermectin, he was not willing to let patients die:

“There’s something bigger going on than my medical career at this point, because lives are being lost and we need to speak out.”

Dr. Donald Welsh came next and gave an impassioned talk about the death of science in Canada.


Wall Street Journal Op-Ed on the risks of Covid Vaccines


CDC Admits Teens Vaccinated With Pfizer or Moderna at Higher Risk of Heart Inflammation