Lawsuit at Houston Methodist Hospital: Conversation with Dr. Venu Julapalli

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This story is about patient care and courage in the medical profession.

It is about a brave doctor in Houston, TX, who has filed a lawsuit at the Houston Methodist Hospital.

The lawsuit was filed in the context of the COVID vaccine mandates.

On a deeper level, the lawsuit is about an attack on the professional sovereignty of physicians—and the need for the physicians to retain their right to make medical decisions based on their own conscience, expertise, and professional opinion—as opposed to the administrative directives from big hospital systems, whose motives could be potentially questionable.

In this episode of Make Language Great Again, I had the honor to interview Dr. Venu Julapalli, an impressive human being and a principled, compassionate physician. Not only is he a conscientious doctor—he is also a great philosopher, which I found extremely compelling. Dr. Julapalli’s presence, his insights into the bigger picture, his love of medicine, and his passion for the truth are extremely moving and refreshing. When you watch the interview—which is rather long but super interesting—you’ll see exactly what I mean.

We talked about everything: Dr. Julapalli’s lawsuit (00:03:57), love as a principle of medical practice, scientific censorship (00:22:22), patient care, media spin of safety issues (2:15:46 and at 2:18:39), VAERS (at 2:05:55), and so much more.

For context: this conversation was recorded about three weeks ago. Since then, the Medical Staff of the Houston Methodist Hospital has filed a counter lawsuit against Dr. Julapalli. (The Machine is scared).

Some technical detail: In the state of Texas, all physicians are considered “medical staff,” which is different from hospital employees or consultants. It means that physicians are independent professionals with “medical privileges” at given hospitals. “Having medical privileges” means the right of a physician to see patients on hospital premises or to be invited to consult patients there.

Also, please keep in mind that Dr. Julapalli’s lawsuit is different from the lawsuit filed previously by the Houston Methodist’s nurses. The nurses’ lawsuit was specifically about the mandates. On the other hand, Dr. Julapalli’s lawsuit is about the procedure that was used by the Houston Methodist Hospital’s Medical Staff to make it so that the physicians had to either take the COVID shot or have their privileges at the hospital suspended—with a prospect of ultimate termination.

In the interview, Dr. Julapalli goes into this in detail.

I hope you enjoy our conversation. It is long but it’s very much worth it! Dr. Julapalli’s inner fire is palpable.

If you want to support Dr. Julapalli’s lawsuit, here is a link to his donations page.


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