Letter to share with your local businesses- reject the vaccine mandates

Please consider taking this letter (or modify it to suit you) to your local businesses or employers or other institutions to let them know there is resistance to vaccine mandates.

To all Businesses, Non-Profits, and State and Local Leaders,

In light of the federal and state governments mandating Covid vaccinations to be able to engage in society, including but not limited to working at our place of employment and going to certain public establishments, we are calling on all of you to unite and completely reject these unconstitutional directives.

No politician has the authority to dictate that companies mandate a medical intervention for their employees or patrons, especially one with a rushed FDA approval, as the official trial phase continues until 2023.

Implementing and enforcing this coercive action will put a huge burden on businesses, and they risk losing workers and customers at a time when many companies are still struggling to recover from the government and state lockdowns.

Requiring individuals to be vaccinated, and in many instances not even accepting certain exemptions, is a violation of basic human rights laws (see Section 296a, 296c, 296d), the Hippocratic Oath, and the Nuremberg Code. Many lawsuits are already underway and capitulation to vaccine mandates will undoubtedly further repress our struggling economy.

According to Dr. Fauci and the CDC, the Covid shots are not designed to prevent infection or transmission. They can only lessen symptoms and are particularly ineffective against new variants.

Data about recent outbreaks in Israel, the UK, and Massachusetts indicate that fully vaccinated individuals are even more likely to become infected and end up in the hospital than the unvaccinated. Some virology experts, among them the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Malone, are concerned that mass vaccinations have led to the virus becoming vaccine-resistant.

Younger people have almost zero risk of dying from Covid, but, according to the VAERS  database, they experience a relatively high incidence of life-altering adverse events.

All this begs the question: Is getting everyone vaccinated really the best strategy?

One last point about vaccine passports that have already been introduced in NYC and other places: Naomi Wolf, a long time tech adviser to the Clinton Administration and CEO of a tech firm, warns that the vaccine passport platform can quickly and easily be connected to all our health information, financial accounts, all manner of services, and our media activities in general, much like China’s social credit system. This provides an open invitation for the controlling powers to dissolve into full blown tyranny. Is this the America we want to live and work in, let alone pass on to our children?

We urge you to consider these facts and questions and hope you will join the growing number of people who can see that the way out of this crisis cannot include any mandates.



Concerned Citizens of America

United we stand, divided we fall.


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