Red Flags

Offered by some journalists/ citizen journalists on the current scenario that is playing out with Covid , their 13 red flags, in no particular order:

1. The CDC unilaterally adopted new fatality-reporting guidelines, exclusively for COVID-19. The adoption of these guidelines resulted in a dramatic over inflation of U.S. COVID fatalities. Moreover, we discovered that in creating these new fatality-reporting guidelines, the CDC bypassed the oversight of the OMB/OIRA of the executive branch. The OMB (office of management and budget) and the OIRA (office of information and regulatory affairs) are divisions within the executive branch, who have direct oversight over all federal agencies (including the CDC) who collect and disseminate data and statistics from the public.

2. The original idea of the shut-down was 2 weeks so not to overwhelm hospitals. Now there is no end in sight. When the county was contacted over the summer, they could not provide a metric which would signal the end of their declared state of emergency.

3. The nasal swab test being inaccurate throws everything in to question - from case, hospital, and death counts to whether vaccines in trials are effective. From the beginning there were reports that this test, PCR, was not meant to be a diagnostic tool. Recently 22 scientists have cited 10 reasons in an external peer review why the test created in January is flawed.

4. The virus was never properly isolated so the test is based on guesses from looking at a gene database for what they think the virus is likely to be.

5. Walmart and Target stay open while small businesses are deemed non-essential.

6. At bars/restaurants you can be mask-less when sitting but not standing; Supermarket aisles with their one way 6ft rules. Where is the science or common sense?

7. Hydroxychloroquine is banned by governors, forbidding doctors to prescribe it.

8. The Lancet has apologized to readers after retracting a study that had falsely claimed the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine did not help to curb COVID-19 and might cause death in patients.

9. Governors are coercing people to believe that executive orders are laws.

10. Suddenly it is fine to genetically alter humanity with no debate, or even disclosure.

11. The disappearance of the flu in 2020 around the globe.

12. The fact that there can be so much discussion of the epidemiological minutiae shows this whole situation up for what it is. If there were really some awful disease going around which would justify the extreme measures taken, then there would be no such discussion. It would be obvious what was going on. Furthermore, the very fact that these measures – distancing, lockdowns, masking – are being mandated by government is very telling. People want to live - we have honed our survival instincts over millions of years. If there really were a dangerous pandemic then people wouldn’t need to be told what to do.

13. Across the board censorship of information/discussion /informed opinion that is not in lock-step with the mainstream Covid narrative.


No to Covid vaccine mandate


“The greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public”