So I was on vacation this past summer in RI…

And I walk into a gas station, mask-less, and hand the cashier my money. “$20 on pump 3, please”. He tells me he cannot take my money! I ask, “why not?”

He tells me because I am not wearing a mask. My response was- “but you’re not wearing a mask either!” He tells me, “ I am on this side of the plexiglass.” I told him that I was on the other side of the plexiglass.

(Mind you, the plexiglass had an opening in the bottom for cash exchange, and it went up until a few feet short of the ceiling, and it was wide open on the side of the counter so he could walk out into the store.)

He proceeds to tell me I need to cover my face with my shirt in order for him to take my money. So, I cover my face with my shirt, and he takes my money and I lower my shirt and walk out to pump my gas.

The long story short is that common sense has left the building!

Steve B


The Times Union says, “Resign, Mr. Cuomo”
