Speaking out against mandating Covid shots at Texas Senate

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Doctors Testify Before Texas State Senate to Oppose Mandatory COVID Shots

A powerful and informative 45 minute video:

Overview from Senator Tom Hall;

E.R. physician Richard Bartlett- on alternatives to an experimental vaccine; according to recent Oxford University study that concludes that 90% of Covid hospitalizations can be prevented with medications; Yale epidemiologist estimates that 58% of Texans have herd immunity; ER doctor sees people in the hospital with complications/adverse reactions from Covid shots;

Dr. Ben Edwards on evidence-based medicine and VAERS (4,178 deaths from the Covid shots in the past 5 months- this is the same amount of deaths on VAERS from all vaccines over the past 20 years!); there is a vast under-reporting of adverse events; if a person has already had Covid they have a 2-3 times increased risk of adverse reaction if they get the shot; natural immunity is more robust than vaccine-induced immunity; and choice are paramount; Peace over fear;

Dr. Amy Offutt and her successful protocol treating Covid; the importance of informed consent to medical treatment; more safety data is needed; different people have different levels of risk and it is a bad idea to recommend it equally to everyone; how to test for innate immunity (antibodies, T-cells, etc);

Pediatrician Dr. Angelina Farella on protecting the children; there were no safety trial subjects who were under age 18; troubling info from ACIP- that safety data will only come out after authorization; data from adults can not be extrapolated to children; 99.997% survival rate for children- they are not super-spreaders!; other vaccines have been pulled after reports of just 15 deaths; we have early and effective outpatient treatment for Covid.


Motion for temporary restraining order against use of COVID “vaccine” in children filed by AFLDS


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