Twitter commentary from Robert Malone, MD - individual freedom vs authoritarian control


Robert W Malone, MD @RWMaloneMD

Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, Bench to Bedside vaccines and biologics consulting. Madison, VA

Sep 10

We are now observing a conflict over the ability of powerful financial interests to control a centralized global horizontally integrated collectivist organization vs a decentralized community of individuals and groups able to act independently and with autonomy

Sep 10

Basically, using common language, we have bankers dominating, consolidating, and exerting global power. In opposition we have small business interests, a splintered global religious community, ethnic/cultural clusters, and a handful of intellectuals and medical practitioners.

Sep 10

Unknown at this time is where the allegiance of the military will fall. This may be influenced by the true spectrum of adverse events and effectiveness of these vaccine products in military populations, which will become more clear now that the mandates are being imposed.

Sep 10

as to the fourth estate - the press - the legacy media has been almost completely captured by the bankers and large financial interests. However, there are disruptive new communication modes such as the podcaster movement which may disrupt this if not rapidly coopted.

Sep 10

The central conflict is over the ability of powerful financial interests to control a centralized horizontally integrated global collectivist organization versus a decentralized community of individuals and groups able to act independently and with autonomy.

In other words, individual freedom and autonomy versus authoritarian control and collectivism. This is actually an ancient conflict which is central to the human condition, playing out once again but on a modern battlefield.


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