Types of Covid-19 victims- Which are you?



published on December 13, 2020 at www.thebigvirushoax.com

There are three Classes and a few Types of covid-19 victims.

Class A - Type 1: Those who really "believe" there exist “invisible enemies” that are infecting and ravaging the entire world and are genuinely afraid of it. They believe everything they hear on their television set and they trust in their government Masters. They live in fear and obediently follow the advice and directives that are given to them by the authorities that rule over them. They have closed minds and will not listen to or believe anything else. They are eager to cover their vital airways with a face diaper rebreathing their own carbon dioxide and bacterial mouth waste. They are eager to let their Masters inject them with unhealthy, poisonous, dangerous and deadly vaccines. They are excited about government lockdowns and look forward to them being extended so they can avoid working, sit home on the couch watching CNN and receive government handouts. They will point out and screech at anyone not wearing a face diaper decrying them to be murderers. They are government snitches. Thus, they are indeed victims on many levels - and they don't even know it. They truly are delusional zombies.

Class A - Type 2: Those who are exactly like Class A - Type 1, but are not closed minded and will listen to and consider the Truth if and when it is presented to them. They almost instantly become Class B or even Class C covid-19 victims.

NOTE: Class A Types make up about 10 to 30% of the population. Nearly all Class A Types voted for Joe Biden to be the president of the United States of America.

Class B - Type 1: Those who believe there is a virus or something out there killing people, but that it is being greatly exaggerated by the mainstream media and government officials. They are happy and more than willing to wear face diapers and cover their vital airways rebreathing their own carbon dioxide and bacterial mouth waste just as a precaution... just in case... just to be on the safe side. Less than half of them would consider getting a vaccine.

Class B - Type 2: Those who figure there isn't anything going on any different or worse than the seasonal flu and they wouldn't even wear a face diaper to prevent themselves from getting the seasonal flu. But they cover their vital airways with a face diaper and rebreathe their own carbon dioxide and bacterial mouth waste because they think they have to by way of government mandates. Plus, they don't want to be called-out and harassed by Class A – Type 1 people when they go into stores. But they do not like wearing a face diaper and they don't want to. Hence, they too are victims.

NOTE: There are very few Class B covid-19 victims who would actually submit to receiving an unhealthy, poisonous, dangerous and potentially deadly vaccine. The vast majority of Class B covid-19 victims voted for Donald J. Trump to be the president of the United States of America.

Class C: Those who think for themselves and possess very high critical thinking skills. Those who don't believe a damn thing they hear on the television set and do not trust the corrupt lying government officials. They have looked into all aspects of the concepts of so-called “viruses” and the truth behind why people really get sick. They have looked into how and why a worldwide hoax could and would be put on. They know the so-called "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" is a hoax... a pre-planned event... a manufactured crisis. Nonetheless, they are also victims because they have had their jobs and livelihoods wrongfully stripped away from them as a result of the unlawful government shutdowns that have hijacked society. Plus, they have been made subject to the wiles and lunacy displayed by the mainstream media and Class A – Type 1 victims. Just to witness such is both offensive and painful for the normal, compassionate and understanding human beings in Class C.

NOTE: If you want to be in class C, review and digest everything that has been published at: www.TheBigVirusHoax.com


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