Are anti-vaxers idiots? What are they thinking?
by Eric Francis, Planet Waves, Kingston, NY
Dear Friend and Reader:
In two recent articles, I’ve contemplated the nature of Virgo as it relates to the holistic principle and the idea of biophilia. Virgo is intimately connected with our approach to health and wellness, which many have figured out is best practiced as an integrative method.
Speaking of health: I woke up Wednesday morning and was treated to an article in The New York Times: This is the Moment that Anti-Vaccine Movement Has Been Waiting For. It begins with an introduction to Joshua Coleman, a guy who they tell us “organizes anti-vaccine rallies.”
Joshua Coleman. Read more about him.
“In March 2020, he said to his flock, ‘This is the one time in human history where every single human being across this country, possibly across the planet, but especially in this country, are all going to have an interest in vaccination and vaccines’, he said. ‘So it’s time for us to educate’.”
The Times then helps us understand what Mr. Coleman means, in case you did not know. They write, “By ‘educate’, he meant to spread misinformation about vaccines.”
Yep, that’s all he’s going to do: spread misinformation, but call it education so they fool everyone. How nefarious! And what an original idea.
Yet I keep wondering what the authors and editors of these kinds of articles think “anti-vaxers” are motivated by. Why are they so committed to their cause? Is this part of a pattern in their lives? Do they also disinform people about other things, such as the weather or the score of last night’s Braves game?
What drives people to devote their lives to such a strange pursuit, like putting sugar in random people’s gas tanks? Are they merely anti-social discontents, acting out in this odd way? Is there nothing else to protest? Are they rebels without a cause, or a clue? It’s perplexing.
Photograph of the flat Earth taken by the astronauts of the Apollo 19 mission.
Maybe They’re Flat Earthers
Are they just stupid idiots and science deniers who attend the monthly meeting of the Flat Earth Society? Maybe they can’t even read.
The Times never offers a theory as to why Mr. Coleman does this strange, supposedly destructive thing with his precious time and energy. I really want to know. Is he just bored?
Or is he like the people who drive blindfolded at high speed on interstate highways, or who include plastic explosives and nitroglycerine when they give a chemistry set to a 10-year-old? The same people who leave loaded weapons on the kitchen table with children or mentally disturbed teenagers in the house?
Are they generally anti-progress, holding rallies calling for the return of dirt roads and the horse and buggy? Do they love to spread diseases amongst the population? Or is there some fondness they all share for stepping on rusty nails?
Maybe they’re the same fools who believe in homeopathy, eating a good diet and taking care of their gut biome so they have a functioning immune system.
Which panel is true?
A Real Marketing Genius, With No Product
The article says that Coleman, like others of his sort, is an expert at “turning any negative event into a marketing opportunity.” But what are they selling? What’s the lucrative product on which he earns the fantastic commissions to fund his movement of inspired disinformation?
And talk about pots and kettles: news of the novel coronavirus has certainly been an example of big big big Pharma, the medical industry, the PPE industry, the plastic divider industry, the floor sticker industry, the hand sanitizer industry, the medical test industry, the deep freezer industry, to-go packaging, and lots of other entities taking advantage of a “negative event.” For a newspaper or cable station, negative events are fantastic for advertising and ratings.
I ask, clutching my grandmother’s string of Mallorca pearls and the sheepskin of my English degree: Mah Gawd, have they no sense of irony?
Usually those who oppose injections are accused of being anti-science, as if they want to throw rocks at one of those adorable pictures of Albert Einstein. Or like they’re the modern-day temperance movement, going into labs and smashing all the beakers and test tubes full of the devil’s nectar. They burn copies of the periodic table, claiming that the four elements are really earth, air, fire and water.
Or perhaps their irrational viewpoint is associated with being a holy-roller. Maybe the anti-vax set is similar to Seventh Day Adventists, who call a prayer circle instead of the Rescue Squad when they get into a traffic accident. Maybe they’re the wackos who think God did a good job designing our bodies to endure numerous environmental exposures every day.
All those anti-vaxers must live in red states. That’s it!
The Political Theory: This is Red State America
Then there is the political theory, which you can hear advanced on most networks: anti-vaxers are all a bunch of asshole Republicans from flyover country. From Louisiana. Or Queens (there are a lot of airports there). Or someplace else inherently ignorant.
That must be it! They also hate gay people and say that “all lives matter” and throw in a few more anti-conservative clichés you saw on cable news. Finally, a coherent explanation.
This theory, while it sounds good, fails to explain the dirtiest of the Disinfo Dozen himself, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an ardent liberal who is the founder of Children’s Health Defense. His uncle was Pres. John F. Kennedy, who was definitely not a conservative or a Republican, or anti-science or anti-progress. JFK was the one who ordained that the United States would put a man on the Moon within 10 years and we all went along with the plan.
But as we learned last week, John F. Kennedy also took the lead on banning DDT based on what he learned from Rachel Carson, who was often called an enemy of progress and of industry. So what she was a biologist; she was into birds, which made her a birdbrain.
These are the real anti-vaxers. But why?
They’re Typical Toxic Men!
These are the real anti-vaxers. But why?
The usual political prejudice is that anti-vaxers are uneducated blue-collar dudes, your typical toxic male with a big belly who presides over a smoky barbecue wearing a MAGA hat, squirting on extra lighter fluid and stabbing greasy sausage with a long fork. That must be it!
I’ve never met that guy; I want to interview him and find out what his problem is. Yet when I think of an “anti-vaxer,” I remember a little woman with long, long brown hair, which she usually wore in a gorgeous braid down her back while making brown rice with a kid riding on her hip. That guy!
To wit, I first learned about the problems with vaccines back in the 1990s from my then-girlfriend Hillary Lanner who lived in Woodstock, a vegan who was part of the natural childbirth movement, and who turned me onto Mothering magazine. I keep looking for someone to mention that old bundle of subversive ideas, which is where I think the modern vaccine awareness movement began.
It is now acceptable to ridicule people who are against this injection, and to threaten them with death. The implication is that the injection grants health and life — even immortality.
It began among the kind of women who breastfeed and want to give their children a wholesome start in life. Back-to-the-land people who cavort with midwives. They’re the same people who don’t want to feed their kids Roundup or genetically modified food, or stuff them full of Robitussin or Tylenol.
Anyone with the meekest sensitivity who actually reads about problems with the MMR injection, and the Gardasil injection, will be sick to the stomach and grieve for the people harmed by these products of what can be accurately called medical capitalism.
Anti-Vaxers are Made, Not Born
If you start listening to what anti-vaxers are saying, you find out that most have vaccine-injured children, or were injured themselves. Some point to autism data indicating that the rates of this disability have increased steadily with the number of injections in the schedule. Others know the history of events like the Cutter Incident — the first of many polio injection disasters. Others just need to read the ingredients.
Then there are people for whom vaccines of all sorts are medically contra-indicated. That includes anyone who has had a sibling who has had a vaccine injury, or anyone who has experienced one themselves. It includes anyone who is allergic to any of the ingredients in vaccines. There are many other categories that were honored up until the current effort to inject the world.
While many people don’t believe there is such a thing as vaccine injury, it’s important to recognize that vaccine manufacturers are indemnified against paying out damages if their products harm people. However, there exists a special federal vaccine court, funded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, that has paid out billions in damages to such people. This does not cover the Covid “vaccine.” Anyone injured by that must go to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Board which was set up in March 2020 — yes, a special covid shot injury court all its own.
I can tell you the exact moment when I became an anti-vaxer, which is not really the correct way to describe me, but it will serve for now.
It was soon after I heard the term SV-40. That is short for simian virus 40, discovered in the course of the fabrication of the polio vaccine. (See article in The Atlantic; or order the book here. Caution: this topic is meticulously documented and extremely disturbing.)
If such a thing is possible, it is an oncogenic virus: acancer causing virus, or certainly one with a very close correlation to many cancers, including mesothelioma in people who were never exposed to industrial asbestos (the usual cause).
SV-40 was a biological contaminant in the polio vaccine that slipped into the preparation from the use of monkey kidneys as a growth medium for the polio virus used in the injection.
Mothering Magazine has led the discussion about vaccine safety, though is not often credited for its work.
Because many viruses are of similar size, they cannot be easily filtered apart from one another, so many vaccines have extrinsic viruses coming along for the ride, unrelated to any desired medical effect. These unwanted viruses get into the needle and are injected into the bodies of vax recipients. I know this from reading the history of science, not from CNN.
The United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) admits that about 100 million Americans were injected with SV-40 through 1963 (when they falsely claim the problem was solved; the contamination problem may have continued as late as 2000). This happened with the full knowledge of the federal government — but not the people getting the injections.
We wonder why so many Americans contract cancer. Could there be any connection, or is it anti-science to connect a potential cause with an effect, and then conduct research? A federal government virologist and epidemiologist named Bernice Eddy (1903-1989) injected the hearts of mice with a solution containing SV-40 — and half of them developed brain cancer. (Read her impressive Wikipedia page here.)
CDC openly admits it knows of nearly 7,000 deaths reported from the covid injections — more than from any other vaccine, ever. This is only the number of reported deaths, not the total; it is off by orders of magnitude — some say 50-fold, some say 100-fold. Even if it’s catching 10% of deaths, that points to a total of 70,000 killed so far. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of thousands of reported cases of injury and sickness in the United States alone. So what is the big rush to inject everyone?
From the CDC document on reported deaths and injuries from the Covid injection.
Dr. Bernice Eddy: They Took Away Her NHS/NIH Laboratory for Warning Her Bosses About SV-40 Contamination in the Polio Shot
Dr. Eddy, who worked for the National Health Service and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), discovered that components of the polio vaccine caused cancer in mice in a series of repeated experiments. These were then conducted and confirmed by other researchers. This was back when the polio vaccine was the Great New Thing of the moment, and could not be disparaged. She was rewarded for her discovery by having her laboratory taken away. If you are wondering why more people don’t speak up, now you know.
Bernice Eddy warned of contaminated polio vaccines and was not only ignored; her federal government laboratory was taken away.
The federal government drew the wagons into a circle and conducted one of the typical kinds of coverups, lasting years, that I have documented so many times.
Knowing about SV-40, and knowing a “covid vaccine” was on the way, I spent the early part of 2020 researching the work of Dr. Christopher Korch, who has devoted his life to solving the problem of contaminated and misidentified research and production cell lines. This is the same problem Bernice Eddy documented 70 years ago, only on a vast scale — affecting nearly every research project ever funded.
Dr. Judith Mikovits, a defector from the vaccine industry, describes the same problem, though with what comes into vaccine factories in barrels of calf fetal serum used in the making of the injections.
This is a centrifuged product of the blood of unborn cows, who are aborted for the purpose. This substance contains all kinds of little squirming things you really don’t want in your body. Mikovits also warns about canine coronaviruses present in flu shots, the result of use of dog kidneys (millions and millions killed) as growing medium. You can get your annual helping at the local Walmart pharmacy — or not.
So, it’s not really accurate to say I am anti-vaccine; I am opposed to injecting people with carcinogenic monkey viruses, polysorbate-80, PEG, mercury, aluminum and graphene oxide. I do not support any product where the manufacturers are immune from lawsuits; the only other one is nuclear power. I am opposed to forcing people to inject anything into their bodies against their judgment, will, discretion and right not to be poisoned, raped, harassed, or otherwise violated. They do not need a reason; they do not need the “science.” We are all entitled not to be injected.
Chicago Police union boss: “This has literally lit a bomb underneath the membership. And what are they gonna do when four or five thousand coppers say, ‘Screw you. I’m staying home. You’re not making me get this f***ing vaccination. Don’t pay me. That’s fine. We’ll see you in court’.”
The Magical Cure-All for Everything and Everyone
What disturbs me about the whole pro-vaccine movement, from top to bottom, is what it’s not talking about. First of all, since when do we force people to do something without a court order? When do we order medication without the diagnosis and prescription of a doctor? A lot of people are about to lose their jobs for exercising their right to refuse a medical procedure, or a medical experiment (depending on who you ask).
War criminals were hung for the crime of conducting medical experiments after the Nuremberg trials between 1945 and 1949. This is what is meant by “lest we forget.” I was “just following orders” is not a defense if someone commits atrocities against humanity.
Gynecological torture ward at Auschwitz. That means medical experimentation in a kind of clinical setting. The windows were blocked so that “patients” could not see the executions taking place in the yard below.
Photo by Eric Francis. More photos here.
Every day I get an email from the governor telling me 20 people died of “Covid” in New York, but not about the 93 who died of cancer and the 124 who died of heart disease and the 20 who died in accidents, the 27 who died of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and diabetes, or the five who committed suicide.
There is now just one disease — which has no coherent description, and that must be capitalized: Covid. It is an allegedly a proper noun. Soon we will have to write C—d out of respect, or face fine and imprisonment.
I am wondering why someone wants me to take their medicine, when I would not even touch their medicine bag.
I am wondering why it is now mandatory to be afraid of what others fear, and ignore the medical advice of one’s own doctor. I am wondering why people who are not sick are being considered a medical threat, when at the same time we do not talk about unwanted exposure to spike proteins. That is a form of battery, just like being exposed to dioxin from a trash incinerator. No more is it about inducing good health.
Recently, we, the American public, were talking about universal healthcare for all. Today, we are talking about one experimental vaccine for all, without which going out to dinner and a show, or even just a movie theater, serving in the nation’s armed forces, or taking a ride on a train, or having a job, is looking like a thing of the past. You can still buy postage stamps.
We might wonder why people are willing to risk homelessness and being outcast by all their friends, and even their family, to avoid this injection. I mean, we need to really wonder, out loud, in a public discussion. One thing I am pretty sure of: I don’t think it’s because they are stupid.
Faithfully, Eric Francis