Celia Farber talks about AIDS, COVID, and the corruption of medical science

Investigative journalist Celia Farber joins us to discuss AIDS, COVID, and the corruption of medical science. We will also get into the backlash individuals face when telling a narrative that goes against the sanitized talking points of the mainstream media and scientific communities. From The Anomic Age with John Age, Episode 76, Oct 29, 2020, 1 hr 11 min long.

Conversation with journalist Celia Farber

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These articles by Celia Farber can be found on www.uncoverdc.com:

Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus? April 7, 2020

How those who die following Covid Shots are Treated in the Media February 11, 2021


Lack of Proof


Letter To My State and Federal Government Representatives