Lack of Proof

I 've been alarmed by all that has changed due to COVID and as I researched what the science actually says, I was even more alarmed that this COVID situation persists!  I wrote a letter to my father-in-law a few months ago to share what I've learned, and am sharing some of the points here.   MPFH

Imagine someone observing the human race from above, an outsider that doesn’t know our ways of being. This outsider will see that periodically we have fires. He comes to the conclusion that firemen cause fires, as every time he sees a burning building -- there they are, running around! Logical explanation, right?!

Let’s say this outsider understands the scientific method and knows that what he has on his hands is an observation, and based on this observation he can make a hypothesis! And since our observer understands the scientific method, he will follow up with a number of steps to prove or disprove his hypothesis

  1. Step one - Isolate the firemen;

  2. Step two - Purify the sample (make sure what you have is ONLY firemen, and not some random by-standers with a suitcase full of fireworks or explosives).

  3. Step three - Place the purified firemen sample near the house and observe!

  4. If firemen cause the fire, the house will be burned and repeating this set of steps with other houses, should provide consistent results. 

    This is a scientific method! ️
    But what do we have today on our hands? 11 months into this “pandemic” paradigm:

-the virus still hasn’t been isolated;

-human to human transmission still hasn’t been established; and

-there is no conclusive peer-reviewed research on effectiveness of masks for prevention of viral transmission.

The strangest thing is that those in charge are not even trying to provide the necessary scientific proof of statements that are regularly made by media and by governmental officials. This alone, makes it a system of beliefs--we are changing our way of living based on scientific dogma! Statements made based on epidemiological observation, A HYPOTHESIS, does not prove anything.

We are being skillfully, globally lied to! Corruption is real. Mass media is a tool used to manufacture the consent. YES, people are getting sick, but the cause hasn't been scientifically determined. This looks more like a live exercise and fabricated crisis, as we do not have an overall increase in mortality, hospitals are not overwhelmed, and we have preventative treatments and effective therapeutics (information systematically censored). 

Masking healthy people with handmade masks that haven’t been safety tested or approved by OSHA is one of many unscientific, non-sensical policies which infringe upon our inalienable rights, and lower our collective immune system. 

A few of the many negative health effects associated with prolonged mask wearing include:

- porous and moist surface of the mask is a perfect microbial breeding ground. When masks are not disposed often and not stored properly, this may cause a number of severe infections: bacterial lung infection, MRSA, various skin infections, clusters of cystic acne, eye infection (specially in people that wear glasses); prolong mask wearing causes fungal skin and lung infections and their spread.

- when people wear masks they often breathe through their mouth. Mouth breathing causes dry mouth, as a result decrease his saliva production, the direct result is a tooth decay and bacterial growth. Those factors will increase overall inflammation of the body, and periodontal disease of the gums which is a known cause of strokes and increased risk of heart attacks.

- migraines, dizziness spells, anxiety, increased heart rate, brain damage, and

- serious PTSD trigger.

I would like to highlight one very important point, that everyone should understand and remember, especially considering the fact that we are 11-months deep into this fabricated crisis: declaration of emergency allows the state to change the definitions and standards for counting cases and deaths!

Screenings are now included in the counting of cases, even if the subjects are healthy and asymptomatic! The definition of case in epidemiology is: the occurrence of many possible outcomes- illnesses, complications, sequelae, deaths.

In so-called syndromic surveillance, the occurrence of non-specific events such as grouping of symptoms or reasons for seeking carehospitalizationscalls to emergency services is now defined as a CASE!  This means healthy people with no observable symptoms of illness are counted as cases due to surveillance and contact tracing.

There continues to be no distinction made between people who died from COVID and people who died with COVID with comorbidities. Further, the cause of death is attributed to SARS-Cov-2, without testing or an autopsy. Doctors are pressured and financially incentivized to add COVID to death certificates, even if the patient died from other reasons.

Flu cases are not being counted by the Centers for Disease Control. The excuse of the pandemic is being used again to change the practice of how illnesses are counted, which ultimately perpetuates the status of the pandemic. All of the above-mentioned practices lead to an over-estimation of the number of deaths and constitutes a scandalous manipulation of the figures.

These changes alone, are exactly what keeps the status of the pandemic in place, and as a result continuous implementation and practice of laws and orders that violate our privacy, freedom of movement and puts our medical and economic freedoms at risk.

Anyone under 45 has a higher chance of being struck by lightning than dying from COVID. A healthy person under 60 years old has a greater chance of drowning than dying from COVID. Isolating and masking the healthy is only benefiting pockets of big drug cartels (Pfizer and Moderna). This practice has hampered the establishment of herd immunity and makes no sense from a public health point of view.

We have effective and safe treatments, preventative medications and associated measures. The pandemic is essentially over as can be seen by the consistent low/normal death rate and hospital admissions compared to past years’ overall statistics. 

One small illustration will help reframe our current paradigm of normalized public shaming.   I will quote Kelly Brogan (Manhattan-based holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression):
“I walked into my recently resumed Sunday morning dance class to hear one of the teachers, struggling to proclaim through her mask, “Freedom is the opportunity to do what’s right…so let’s do what’s right ladies, and do our part to end this pandemic.” The phrase “what’s right” echoed in my mind like a haunting.

What if her “right” is different than mine? What if doing her “right” harms me? Does that still make it right? What is “right” anyway? Does it mean kind, good, just, accepted, evidence-based, or popular?

In the absence of clear answers to these internal questions, her enthusiastic rallying-cry struck me as the propagation of Stockholm Syndrome, or identification with and defending the parentified aggressor. It is, most often, the belief that we are aligning with virtue, or at least with the necessary sacrifice and the authority-defined common good, that leads well-intentioned people to engage in extremely harmful behavioral programs.” 



Celia Farber talks about AIDS, COVID, and the corruption of medical science