Letter to the NYSBA

(And why, oh why, are lawyers “calling the shots”  about vaccine mandates?)   

A letter written to the NYS Bar Association on a proposed COVID 19 vaccine mandate:           

I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed COVID 19 vaccine mandate.  I understand the NYSBA will be discussing this matter on November 7.  I would like to share some thoughts on this issue that you may not have heard before.  On June 13, 2019, 26,000 children across the state of New York were kicked out of school when religious exemptions, and shortly thereafter medical exemptions as well, were no longer accepted.  This had a major impact on communities across the state.  Likewise, there are numerous problems with unilaterally mandating every person in New York State receive the new COVID vaccine.  Due to the fact that since 1986, vaccine manufacturers are entirely immune from liability, there are inherent problems with culpability for this minimally tested new technology.   One of the jobs of the NY State Bar Association is to protect the people.  By recommending this mandate, which you must know the Governor and State Government would likely follow, the NY State Bar Association would in fact be putting an unknown number of individuals in harms way.

The COVID 19 vaccine uses MRNA, messenger ribonucleic acid, technology.  It would, in fact, be the first MRNA vaccine. 1  The reason why it would be the first MRNA vaccine is because all attempts at creating a safe MRNA vaccine have been unsuccessful.  As you know, COVID 19 is just one of many corona viruses.  There have been other attempts at creating corona virus vaccines which were also MRNA vaccines.  The test trials for these corona virus vaccines with animals, proved that the animals who received the vaccine and were then exposed to the same strain of corona virus, in fact contracted a much more virulent and deadly case of the corona virus.  This is why there still aren’t any MRNA vaccines to date.   Dr. Fauci himself, has questioned the possibility of creating a safe corona virus vaccine for these reasons, stating, “I must warn that there’s also the possibility of negative consequences, where certain vaccines can actually enhance the negative effect of the infection.” 2

We all know that safety studies for the COVID 19 vaccine are being ‘rushed,’ are minimal, and are, in fact, bypassing animal testing.  Additionally, “double blind, saline placebo testing” is the gold standard for all pharmaceuticals and this will definitely not be happening with the COVID 19 vaccine.  At this point, there have already been multiple adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine trials.  Bear in mind that in order to participate in these COVID vaccine trials, the individual must adhere to very stringent health criteria, meaning that the people participating must all be in tip top shape.  What then will happen when these vaccines are administered to the elderly, to the diabetic, to the obese, to the smokers, and to all the average Americans many of whom have one or multiple co-morbidities?  Are you willing to be held personally responsible for the injuries caused to these people by recommending that the COVID vaccine be mandated unilaterally here in NY?  Are you aware that vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for injuries caused by their product?  More on that in a later paragraph.  Here are a few examples of the adverse reactions in the trials, including two trials that have been completely halted:  “AstraZeneca pauses COVID-19 vaccine trial over possible adverse reaction in participant,” 3.  “Johnson and Johnson pauses COVID-19 vaccine trial after ‘unexplained illness,’” 4.  “NIH Concerned about COVID Vaccine Side Effects,” 5.  “COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Participants Report Aches, Fevers, and Chills,” 6.

Mandating a vaccine that is just coming into existence, with minimal safety studies, sister vaccines which proved to be fatally faulty, and whose initial trials are producing adverse reactions among the healthiest people on the planet, is a recipe for disaster.  WHERE THERE IS RISK, THERE MUST BE CHOICEMY BODY, MY CHOICE.  MY CHILD, MY CHOICE.  In 2010, the United States Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are ‘UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE 7.’  Furthermore, there has been more than $4.3 BILLION paid by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation program for damages and deaths due to vaccines. 8: page 9  Since the 1986 National Vaccine Injury Act, pharmaceutical companies cannot be held liable for the damages their vaccine products cause.  The recently updated PREP act now provides immunity to COVID 19 vaccine makers from damages caused by their minimally tested vaccines. 9

Additionally, the COVID 19 vaccine is being made using aborted fetal cells. 10   For people who hold a sincere religious objection to abortion, it is against their right to religious freedom to mandate their injection with a substance derived from aborted babies.  As a lawyer, you should be well versed in upholding religious rights and freedoms, upon which our beloved country was founded.

Finally, COVID 19 has been found to be much less deadly than originally thought.  The CDC has acknowledged their mistaken projections of what the death rate would be.  In May, the CDC stated that the current death rate for COVID 19 is .4% among the symptomatic 11 and .26% including the asymptomatic.  This rate is little more than the seasonal flu.  Most strikingly, the FLUZONE flu shot, has a death rate of .6%, listed right on the vaccine insert. 12: page 11  This means that the FLUZONE flu shot kills people at a greater rate than COVID 19.  The death rate for the COVID 19 vaccine may likely be even higher.   These are shocking statistics which must be taken into account. 

I implore you to review this information and consider the implications of your decision very carefully.  Mandating a minimally tested new technology, containing aborted fetal cells, for an illness whose death rate is less than a similar vaccine product--when there is zero culpability for any injuries caused--is reckless, if not malicious.  This would infringe upon medical and religious freedoms of tens of thousands of New Yorkers.   You are well aware that if the NYS Bar Association makes a recommendation, then the likelihood of our Governor and State Legislature following that recommendation is very high.  Please do not pass the buck on, but rather, take full responsibility for your actions.  You are not doctors and should not assume that you have the legal authority to make this recommendation.  There are children and adults who have already suffered vaccine damage and medically cannot tolerate further vaccination.   What if you, or your child, were one of those vaccine vulnerable?  How would you want the state to handle the question of a vaccine mandate?  Are you willing to be held personally responsible for the damages caused? 

Where there is RISK, there must be CHOICE.

Thank you sincerely for your time and consideration.  I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this matter, should you have an opportunity to reply.


Short Video on Vaccine Facts


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